Jay Fingers
Life Random

Hello and Welcome… I Guess LOL 😅

Well, it looks like this site will probably be getting a little more traffic, so I may as well stop neglecting it. 😅

If you are new here, or if you came here because you’ve seen me (ahem) in a video recently on YouTube or something that was on social media — welcome! Thank you for checking this out.

Not sure what you’re expecting or hoping to find, but this site is really just about… me. That and my efforts to succeed in this life as a screenwriter and novelist.

I will do my best to update this site as often as possible and that’s pretty much all that I can promise you.

Thank you again for stopping by for checking this out. Please also subscribe to my YouTube, follow me on Twitter and Instagram, and as I said, I’ll do my best to keep this updated and keep you entertained.

Thanks again. Cheers! 😁